
Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The de Meng experiment

Hi all,
Apologies for the lack of posts last week, it has been such a busy and traumatic one,  I would so love to get on my soap box right now but this blog is not the right forum for me to air my views on particular subjects!

Before I continue I would just like to say a big hello to everyone I met at Paper Arts in Stroud on Saturday and a big thank you to Sue for her wonderful hospitality.

Ok so I'm not sure how many of you reading this know the work of Michael de Meng? If not you should look him up on Google, I only discovered him about 6 months ago and I think you will either love his work or hate it, I personally  love it.

While viewing his blog I had difficultly working out some of his techniques so I decided to buy both of his books to learn more.
Although these books are a great read they do not focus heavily on his painting techniques so I decided to have a go with a simple project combining some of my techniques combined with his.

Everything on this project and I mean everything apart from the glass lens has been aged and painted with acrylic paint.
For this experiment I used a cheap black frame from Homebase, a tobacco tin, a computer mouse, binocular parts, CCTV Lens, embossed Card-stock with the Tim holtz ticket thingy, Skull from the pound shop, Tim Holtz wings, a cog from the scrapyard, lolly sticks etc etc etc.

andy skinner dm

andy skinner dm2
andy skinner dm3
andy skinner dm4
This was so much fun to do and although it involved allot of painting, I can't wait to start another project like this.

Enjoy your day.


  1. Great project Andy. I like Michael De Meng's work too, but after looking at his blog and some of his books I decided not to buy any. The subject matter came across too creepy for my taste.

  2. I have to admit Neil, its when he uses the dolls that it starts to freak me out a little!

  3. great job Andy

    I LOVE MdM - I have both his books - he's not too creepy for me :) I like the way he tells a story of each piece's mythology in the books as well as showing you how he made them.

    Have you come across Keith Lo Bue? I think you would like his work too....

    Sorry you aren't having a good time of things at the moment - karma will get them for you!

  4. Great work, would love to see it close up in the flesh so to speak, so I could see the textures. Glad you are back, but sorry you are having a bad time!

  5. Great take on DeMeng Andy. I have been a fan for the last couple of years. The creepy Dolls......Love em. Glad your back but sad to hear your having a hard time of it. Hope things get better for you soon.

  6. Love this project Andy. I agree with Neil though, Michael De Meng's style is too 'dark' for my tastes. Sorry you've had a bad time. Really glad to see you back.

  7. Hi Sarah, just had a look at Keith Lo Bue, very nice stuff!
    I hope the Karma does get them!

    Thanks for your comments everyone.

  8. I LOVE Michael deMeng work (was lucky to do a class with him earlier this year)....even the creepy dolls! Your deMeng-ish piece is all the details!

  9. This is fabulous Andy, thanks for bringing it to to show us yesterday, at the class! Even more awesome in real life! I was thinking of signing up for one of Michael's classes.
    Your class was brilliant by the way, I'm thrilled with my altered box, been finishing it this morning.
    Hope your daughter is recovering well from her ordeal.

  10. Nice work Andy. I'm humbled by your remarks. Thanks for taking the time to read my books and experiment. Cheers
    Michael deMeng.


Your comments are always read and very much appreciated.