
Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Now… this is exciting news!!

As some of you may already know, I am running an online workshop at the moment called Timeworn Techniques , the workshop is in its last stages and delegates are putting together there final pieces to be entered into a competition to win a £50 Decoart voucher.. this part was not obligatory and just an option if they wished to take part.

I think however, I shocked them all this week by announcing the three Judges who will be picking the winner.
Judge No1.  You may of heard of this
    Tim Holtz

Judge No2  This is someone who's work I love and respect.
 Louise Crosbie

Judge No3
Its the guys at Decoart Inc. Stanford Kentucky!

There is also another runner up prize which the guys on the workshop have no idea about yet, although  I'm sure they will when they read this :)
A tote bag from the idea-ology range!!

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As soon as the winner is announced I will post up some pictures of the final works of art!!
Before I go….Just to let you know,  this workshop starts again in June!


  1. Deco Art.. OO.. have just been messing around with Deco art paint today. crackle finishes and weather worn looks.. very nice catch on the other judges.. and then me LOL a bit out of place.

    really looking forward to seeing the projects.

  2. You .... out of place??? Never, I see you taking up the Simon Cowell role lol!

  3. I think I may be tempted to join in in June xx Looking forward to seeing the final works of art too!

  4. Simon Cowell... good lord. best hitch up my jeans to my throat then.

  5. Very good, exciting news for all! Can't wait to see all the projects. :)

  6. oooooooh what fabby exciting news ... love it !

  7. Looking forward to this project. I found you after viewing Neel's Expessions blog. Thank-you Neil. Hugs Rita xx

  8. Crumbs! How nervous would I be if my work was being judged by these illustrious people!
    I too saw info about your course on Neils blog - I think I may be tempted in June too - best go and buy an articulated lorry full of acrylic paint and kitchen roll!! Love your work.

  9. Hi Andy. What can I say.......your creations and techniques are absolutely fabulous. I am now a follower as I would like to keep up with your work. Very inspiring. Annie :)

  10. good luck to all those who have done it
    Wow to have such inspiring judges !
    I cannot wait to see the work that has been done.


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