
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Getting Excited!!

The Book of Secrets workshop starts this Friday with its very own dedicated website, all the hard work is now done and I am confident that this new format will be much more user friendly.
I am so excited to see what everyone participating creates with the techniques, for me this and the friendly banter on the workshop forums make it so much fun!

Here is a grunge book cover I posted on my Facebook page  earlier, it was an experiment stamping into Decoart Modeling paste on grunge board, because this stuff is flexible it worked very well…. Opps sorry about the steampunk glasses Gorjuss!!

Here is a link to how I do this technique.  Texture Stamping.





  1. very nice andy, looks fantastic

  2. Brilliant video, but can't find the link to the texture stamping.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  3. So many things are seen here and all are looking creative, and colorful

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  4. Love the video, what fun!

    I've just signed up to the Book of Secrets workshop, weeeeeeeeeeee!!

  5. I think you should go into the movie Business as well as crafting Andy.

  6. Wow Andy. That book cover is brilliant. I love the girl in the middle.

  7. I've just signed up for the book of secrets, hope I'm not too late for today's workshop.

  8. Hi Andy have signed up for Book of Secrets how do I get started

  9. Anonymous, I cant answer because you are anonymous!!

  10. MERCI!!! votre site est magnifique et vos œuvres sont sublimes .En plus vous partager vos techniques aussi je vous dit un grand merci, je suis une française qui commence la peinture mixe. J'ai découvert votre site sur le fabuleux site de Gary. je viens de m'abonner a vos news que du bonheur!!!


Your comments are always read and very much appreciated.