
Sunday, 22 July 2012

I'm Back…Time to get all mystical!!

Hi everyone,
I know I've been very quiet on here the past couple of weeks but I have had lots going on in the background both privately and work wise with deadlines to meet, that said I have awoken this morning seeing that lovely light at the end of the tunnel!!
Firstly I would like to say a big hello to everyone who attended my workshop at Paper Arts in stroud last Sunday, I will be back again on September the 9th 2012 running the fabulous Gothic Tando Clock workshop pictured below, you can find booking details here.
Another big hello to Gwen and everyone attending the Juice Journal workshop pictured below yesterday at the Stamp Pad in Greenfield Saddleworth, I had a lovely day and was so very well looked after, thank you Gwen for your wonderful hospitality.
I will be back at the Stamp Pad on the 14th of October running the Gothic Tando Clock workshop pictured above.
Next weekend I will be at the Craft Barn in Lingfield, surrey where I will be demonstrating on Saturday the 4th and holding the Juice Journal workshop on the Sunday, this is fully booked unfortunately but the good news is I will also be running this workshop at The Stamp Attic in Wantage on August 11th, there are still a few places left so come and get painty fingers with me!!!
12x6mmcanvas-andy-skinnerjournal-juice-andy skinner

Time to get all mystical!!

Here is the Fortune Tellers Book I recently made for the Calico Crafts Blog.
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I love this box because the recess in the front allows for so many options.
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You can see more pictures and also read how I constructed it over at the Calico Crafts Blog
That's it for now,
back real soon.


  1. ...your work makes my heart beat a little faster! amazing techniques Andy my eye's are smiling...Mel :)

  2. More fantastic stuff Andy. Lovin' that book and have you decided if you're going to do the 'juice' as an online workshop? Living in hope here, lol.

  3. Really sad I am missing the work shop at the Craft Barn, have fun! Wonderful book Andy.

  4. I wondered where you were?!? Glad you're back to blogging. :) Great clock project and the Juice Journal workshop looks fantastic. The Mystic book is waaaay cool, too. :)

  5. I absolutely LOVE the Juice Journal Workshop samples!!! It looks like a fascinating technique and the "stained-glass-mosaic" effect comes across beautifully! I wish I had the power to just zip over and be there - it's just as well that it's sold out because I would be sorely tempted! Maybe you could do an on-line version?? Think about it. I've never taken an on-line course so it would be a good new experience.

  6. Some great projects there Andy !!

  7. I'm loving the Juice Journal Andy...........Online Workshop Maybe? Here's hoping. Loving also the Gothic Feel to the recess book. Right up my street.

  8. Those are all absolutely gorgeous! I really love your work. Thanx for sharing. :)


  9. Just stunning love your projects


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