
Monday, 6 June 2016

The Italian Job

Continuing on my European adventure, I've been teaching in Italy this weekend (and am doing so again next weekend) at Marte in Savona. My hosts have put me up in the most exquisite place - they own a vineyard and olive grove where they make their own wine, liqueurs and olive oil (I may have sampled some - be rude not to!). And I've been eating the most delicious food, all home grown. More about that later in the week - with pictures.

So for this Saturday's class we worked on the 'Book of Redemption'.

And our Sunday workshop was my 'All Seeing Eye' project. 

I had to work with a translator this time and many of the students were scrapbookers who hadn't done mixed media before. But what brilliant students! They all worked fantastically and the end results were so good! I had my youngest ever student too, who is already super talented at just 11 years old.

My hosts also took me to the best pizza place in the world where the pizza is just to die for. Best I've ever tasted. Can't have too many of these or I'll never fit into the suit for my daughter's wedding!

So all in all having such a fabulous time - except for my visit to A&E.... I made the mistake of leaving my windows open and was savaged by mozzies to the extent I only have one functioning eye as it's swelled up! Hopefully I will be able to see again by Saturday for my next class! You'll be pleased to know I'm not sharing any pictures of that!

Ciao for now!


  1. Lol so the Godfather is tasty meat then! Poor Andy. Classes look wonderful. I am sure the wine will help make you feel a lot less itchy and a lot better. xx

  2. All sounds fantastic - except for the evil mosquitos of course (kill them all!). Enjoy the wine and pizza though - I've heard they're great for insect bites.
    Alison x

  3. Wow, starting young in Italy, nice one. Rotten about the mozzies....I feel your paint, suffer really badly with those little blighters! Amazing that you are travelling the world sharing the DecoArt love. Suz xxx(Surrey Crafts!)

  4. Wow! Those scrapbookers must have had a fantastic time if it was all new to them :-D Looks like you are being spoiled over there...lucky boy x

  5. Looks like a fabulous time had by all on your workshops and such a great venue. Hope you've now got some mozzie spray, hate the blighters (they eat me too!!!) and hope your eye is better soon. xxx


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