
Wednesday, 9 September 2020


 Hello everyone!

I'm happy to be back with a new creation from Andy's latest release at Creative Expressions as well as some stamps from his last release.

This plain manila envelope (6 1/2" x 3 1/2") is transformed into what I titled "Hope Rising". Intended to be a positive message of a warrior ange, in all of his majestic glory, rising from the evils of the city below elevating into the beautiful and hopeful heavens above. 

This new collection of Andy's stamps at Creative Expressions gave me the inspiration for this envelope. I love how they seem to have been made for each other.  The back side of the envelope is also finished to compliment the front.  You will see those new stamps later in this tutorial.  I love them together as well!

I am really into making my own books, folios, or things to include in pockets or fold outs of those books. Perfect as a gift envelope or to tuck keepsakes in journals or home made books, this artistic envelope using various mixed media techniques is sure to please. 

Here is a list of supplies you will need to create this project.

Miscellaneous Supplies

  • Black Permanent Ink Pad and Acrylic Block
  • Manila Envelope 6 1/2" x 3 1/2"
  • White Tissue Paper
  • Stipple or Stencil Brush
  • Matte Medium
  • Water Brush
  • Metallic Gold Acrylic Paint
  • Metallic Silver Acrylic Paint
  • Flesh Tone Acrylic Paint
  • Quinacridone Magenta Acrylic Paint
  • Black Cheesecloth (for the tag tie)
  • Heat Tool
  • Paint brushes
  • White Cardstock or Specialty Stamping Paper
  • Scissors

Let's get started with the instructions:

1.  Begin by coloring a plain manila envelope or whatever you choose to use for the base by randomly brushing a light coat of Structure Paste over the area.  This will provide texture for the paint to grab to as well as creative a tactile background.  Heat set.  When dry, add a tiny bit of water to Cobalt Teal Artist Pigment Paint and randomly brush a light coat over the Structure Paste.  Heat set.  Next, add a bit of depth by randomly brushing a light coat of Primary Blue Artist Pigment Paint onto the surface and blend with the Cobalt Teal Paint.  Heat set. I also added darker shades of Blue Prussian Artist Pigment Paint to add more depth and contrast. Heat Set.

2.  Since this is going to be a "sky", I wanted to add clouds.  Using a stencil brush, I dabbed Structure Paste in cloud like patterns randomly on the blended blue background.  After dabbing the paste, I gently made quick little brush strokes to blend it out a little onto the blue.  Then I dabbed more of the Structure Paste in areas I wanted to give more texture to. Heat set.

Here is picture of the background at this point.

3.  On the backside of the envelope, I used Matte Medium and a brush to adhere an old dictionary page to cover the surface of the envelope and the inside and outside of the flap. Heat set.  Next I added a light random basecoat of Cobalt Teal Artist Pigment Paint followed by brushing a little water mixed with Blue Prussian Artist Pigment Paint around the exterior of the envelope.  I also painted a bit of the darker paint across the top of the envelope, spritzed it with water and allowed it to run down the envelope before heat setting.

4.  Using Permanent Black Ink, stamp the Angel image onto a piece of inexpensive white tissue paper and heat set.  Tear out the image rather than cutting it because the torn edges will meld better into the background when applied using Matte Medium and a brush.

5. Stamp the Skyline Stamp onto a piece of cardstock or Special Stamping Paper using Permanent Black Ink.  Heat set.  Using a water brush, add shading to the skyline using Grey Artist Pigment Paint and Cobalt Teal Artist Pigment Paint for the sky behind the buildings.  Heat set. Cut out the skyline stamp close to the ink images.

6. Using Matte Medium and a brush, adhere the Angel stamp in place onto the lower center of the envelope. First brush Matte Medium onto the surface of the envelope where the stamp will go.  Then carefully lay the stamp on tissue paper in place.  Smooth out with your fingers and then gently brush over the image using Matte Medium to glue in place and also to seal it.  Heat set.  Notice the texture of the Structure Paste in the background?

7.  Using Black Permanent Ink, stamp the Circuitree Stamp onto the lower section of the envelope first.  Then turn the envelope around, overlap the base of the stamp and stamp it again on the other end of the envelope. Heat set.  Then add a bit of Black or Grey paint to your finger and wipe the edges of both sides of the envelope to "frame" the images. Heat set.

8. Stamp the Faith stamp onto a piece of cardstock or Specialty Stamping Paper using Black Permanent Ink.  Then using a water brush, carefully paint in the areas of the stamp using Metallic Gold, Metallic Silver Acrylic Paint and Cobalt Teal Artist Pigment Paint.  Heat set and cut out the design.

9. Glue the Faith stamp in place in the center of the Circuitree stamps. This is the backside of the mixed media envelope. I love these two stamps together! Circuitree makes a great background stamp; whether it is stamped more than once in opposite directions, partially stamped, or just one image used on a project.

10.  Colorize the Angel rising from the city.  I did this using the Water Brush and various acrylic paints.  I used Metallic Gold to create the glow behind the Angel.  I used Metallic Silver on the angel's armored chest plate, the lyre and the wings. I used Quinacridone Magenta Acrylic Paint on his loin cloth and head piece and Flesh Tone Acrylic Paint on his skin. Heat set.  There are also touches of Metallic Gold on the buildings and the ground before the buildings reflecting the immense glow coming from the angel. 

11.  I stamped HOPE from Andy's First Class stamp, onto a piece of white tissue paper just as I had done with the angel. Using the same technique, I glued it in place above the angel and highlighted areas of the design with a water brush and Gold Metallic Acrylic Paint. Using a stiffer paint brush, add Lava Paste over random areas of the clouds to puff them up and add even more texture and depth to them. Heat set to make them puff up.

12.  I used Andy's Mysterious Girl stamp on the end flap of the envelope. This was stamped using Black Permanent Ink and then heat set. It makes a statement all by itself. 

Thank you so much for stopping by and following along with this tutorial.  I love Andy's newest releases.  This is just a few of them!  Stay tuned for more brilliant project ideas from my fellow teammates as we explore our creativity and Andy's new releases thanks to Creative Expressions!

About the Artist:


Your comments are always read and very much appreciated.