Thursday, 8 March 2012

What a Day!!

I officially moved out of the old place last night, I had a whole day here to try and catch up with stuff as well as play with my new stamps, and my big shot :)
I went shopping for essentials this morning….(it's deadly having a Waitrose so close but boy is it worth it) followed by a lovely walk in the woods, then back here for breakfast…. Duck eggs on toast!!
I am going to put up step by step tutorials of all the new tags I am posting as soon as the stamps are out there,  and I have finished experimenting :)….should be the beginning of April.


Take care,



  1. i love that pressed metal pattern look ( no idea what its called but it makes me think of industrial walkways and such...)

  2. Hope you are very happy in your new home x

  3. And did you like the duck eggs? Some like them, others don't, but all eggs made from eating my plants and digging up the lawn! Great rusty work Andy.

  4. Hey Andy,

    love that texture! Is it a texture fade or what? I've not seen that one - love it, and your colors are wonderful!

    Enjoy your new home!

  5. the eye candy!!

  6. Thanks everyone, the duck eggs were lovely Kathy, really did enjoy them....still some left long do they keep?
    I picked up the embossing folder from the Craft barn last weekend Linda, it's called Heavy Duty from Courture Creations.

  7. Thanks for the workshop on Sunday in Stroud, I'm already looking forward to the next one! I've posted the results of the day on my blog so feel free to drop by :)


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