Sunday 23 September 2012

Dieselpunk Tags

Here are a couple of Tags made with the Americana Gloss spray sealer image transfer technique, here is a link to my video for that technique Image transfer video


I wanted the tags to have a Dieselpunk style, if you have never heard of Dieselpunk here is a brief description I found on
Dieselpunk is a style that blends the art and culture of the 1920s - 1950s with today.
The era we look to for inspiration was defined by movement and revolution: jazz, modern art, world wars, streamlined technology, and an evolution from stilted, Victorian-era hypocrisy. Our goal is to shape a better future for ourselves by merging the zeitgeist of the past with today's technology and attitudes.

I will leave you with my new Outcasts video, upon making it I miss counted how many hours of video are on the workshop… its now close to 9 hours!!


  1. Dieselpunk - fantastic! Whatever label you put on these, they are brilliant... sleek, dynamic - wow!
    Alison x

  2. Your tags look great, very retro. Francesca

  3. Wow Andy the video is fantastic I can't wait for the class to start!

  4. The tags are fab and I did not know what dieselpunk was.

    The video is great, I have shared it on my facebook, I hope you don't mind? Trying to share the word.

  5. Love, love, love your work, Andy! I just began following by email. Can't wait to get a mug-o-coffee and dig into your wonderful blog. Cheers!


Your comments are always read and very much appreciated.